Transportation Engineering - I (CEC505)
1. Job Opportunities in Transportation Engineer (Click for Video and Presentation )
Module 1 Highway Planning & Development
Road Classification (Click for Video and Presentation )
Brief history of road developments in India (Click for Video and Presentation )
Engineering Surveys for Highways & Report Preparation (Click for Video1 & Video 2 and Presentation )
Highway alignment (Click for Video)
Module 2 Geometric Design of Highway
Geometric Design of Highways (Click for Video)
Design of Camber (Click for Video)
Stopping Sight Distance SSD (Click for Video)
Overtaking Sight Distance OSD (Click for Video)
Numerical Stopping Sight Distance SSD (Click for Video)
Numerical Overtaking Sight Distance OSD (Click for Video)
Grade Compensation ( (Theory and Numerical) (Click for Video)
Module 3 Traffic Engineering
Vehicular & Driver Characteristics (Video 2)
Different Traffic Studies: Speed Studies
(Spot Speed and Speed and Delay Studies), (Video 1)
Traffic Volume, Parking Studies, Significance/applications of these studies;
different methods of conducting traffic studies, Methods of the presentation of data.(Video 2)
Introduction to relationship between Speed, density and volume;
Capacity: Different types and factors affecting the capacity, Passenger Car Units (PCU)
Introduction to different types of Traffic Control Devices:
Traffic signs, signals (no design), road marking. (Video)
Different types of intersections: At grade and grade separated; grade separated interchanges; rotary intersections. (Video)
NOTE: Following links will be avilable only through institute git email id. Make sure you are logged in with email id.
Module 4 Highway Materials
Requirements of Pavement, Subgrade material: Disirable Properties (Video), Presentation
Tests to be conducted for suitability of soils as highway materials (Video)
Module 5 Rigid and Flexible Pavements
Module 6 Highway Construction, Drainage, Rahabilitation & Manintenance
Practicals (Lab Work)
Upload scanned assignments google classroom as shared in class
Question Papers
CBCGS - Choice Based (Revised)
May 2019 ; Dec 2019 ; Dec 2018 ;
CBSGS Syllabus (Old Version) Mix Questions of TRE1 & TRE2
May 2018 ; Dec 2017 ; May 2017 ; Dec 2016 ; May 2016 ;Dec 2015 ; May 2015
Question Bank MCQ
Textbooks & References
Highway Engineering: Khanna, S.K., Justo, C. E. G. and Veeraraghavan A; Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee
Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering: Kadiyali, L. R.; Khanna Publishers, Delhi
A Text Book of Highway and Traffic Engineering: Saxena, Subhash Chandra; CBS Publishers and Distributors
Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning: Kadiyali, L.R., Khanna Publishers, Delhi
Pavement Design: Srinivasakumar, R; University press, Hyderabad
Highway Material and Pavement Testing: Khanna, S.K., Justo, C.E.G. and Veeraragavan, A.; Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee, India.
Transportation Engineering and Planning: Papacostas, C.S. and Prevedouros, P.D.; Prentice Hall India Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Transportation Engineering: Khisty, C.J. and Lall, Kent, B.; Prentice Hall India Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
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Traffic Survey Student Activity
Powerpoint Template for poster (A3 size 12'x18')
Traffic Survey Student Activity for various locations